Welcome to my new blog

I have had a Bravenet blog for several years, to which I have posted sporadically. At the time I started it, I kept my personal Web files in space provided by my Web service provider.

Last year, I needed to upgrade my hosting account at HostNexus (outstanding customer service, excellent reliability, reasonable prices) because my sites had outgrown my old plan. With the new plan came a free domain. Thus began BillSamuel.net, the new place to put my personal Web files. I realized then that it might be best to have a blog directly on this domain, but I didn’t get around to actually doing it until now.

HostNexus offers WordPress, one of the most popular blog formats, in its programs repository with simple one-button installation. So I installed it. Then I realized it was an old version. So I upgraded to the current version, which is very easy with the simple 3-step guide provided on the WordPress site.

So I now have this spiffy new blog. I hope you will visit it frequently, and feel free to add your comments to my posts. I can’t promise to post any more regularly than in the past My old blog will remain available, so if there are any nuggets of wisdom there, they are still available.

2 Responses to “Welcome to my new blog”

  1. Hi Bill, I look forward to following your blog and learning more about you and from you. It seems we have a lot of similar interests as I keep seeing your name pop up! Anyways, I wanted to leave a comment here because I use and love wordpress. I’ve been on it for about 3 years now and if you’ve got any questions, etc let me know, I’m happy to try and help.

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